Saturday, March 8, 2008

clubpenguin cheats

editing other penguins igloo.
first step you have to be a secret agent for this so first go to youre igloo open the measureing tape then press on your penguin then open the spy phone and go to the hq then open the map then go on the member list then go in any igloo then you can edit it.
now listen you cant chat exept if you go back to youre igloo and take off the meaguring tapethen you can chat

clubpenguin cheats

weird dance
first you have to take off all your clothes the put on something that has a dance and something that does not have dance then close your list then open it again then take off the cloth that does not have a dance but don't close your list open some one else's list then close it then dance.
this should work if you do it correctly.